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Server time: League Day 20, July 27, 2024 / 06:22

Day 5 - Player Generation

Posted by Admin on July 27, 2024 06:22


Players will look a little different in the new game!

1. Player Generation has been updated, so that players will look more like players in real life. Most of you will feel that the players are nerfed too much, but this should make the game more interesting and tactical.

2. Enquiries. I've decided to remove the ability to directly buy players from teams. I've analyzed the pros and cons of the system, and at least for now, we're going to move forward without it.

3. League Colors Matches will be colored different in your Fixtures, depending on each competition.

4. Player Regions Every player will be generated with a region in their Country.

5. Highest Bid has been renamed to Current Price to avoid confusion.

See you tomorrow!

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